Three Types of Serco Mechanical Dock Leveler Offered by American Roll-Up Door Co in Sarasota

17sep 2019
Mechanical dock levelers are the most economical and easy to operate auxiliary equipment of your loading dock system to load and unload your goods.

The loading dock zone is an integral part of an industrial building where the exchange of products occurs. Efficient flow of products in commercial or industrial facilities like warehouses or manufacturing is crucial to maximizing productivity which is one of the main goals of a business. That is why all parts of a loading dock system must function accordingly. Every factor must be carefully considered to make sure that your loading dock system works according to the needs of your business.


One of the most critical parts of a loading dock system is the loading dock leveler which acts as a bridge across a small gap between the loading dock floor and the truck or trailer floor to facilitate loading and unloading of goods. The design and specifications of a dock leveler must be carefully decided upon to have a safe and efficient transfer of products from an area to another. You must take into account the weight capacity of the dock leveler knowing that it has to support a considerable amount of weight, that of the material handling equipment such as a forklift or an industrial cart and the load it needs to transfer. 


There are different types of dock levelers available in the market, and your choice must be dependent on the applications of your business. American Roll-Up Door Co in Tampa, Florida offers a wide variety of dock levelers including three types of Serco mechanical dock levelers namely Serco mechanical dock leveler Model WL, Serco mechanical dock leveler Model WS, Serco mechanical Edge Dock LevelerOf the various types of dock levelers, the mechanical dock levelers are the easier ones to operate. Their leading advantage to other types of more advanced dock levelers is that they do not incur energy costs. Mechanical dock levelers by Serco are tried and tested for durability and reliability. The three types of Serco Mechanical dock levelers offered by American Roll-Up Door Co. are all high quality, versatile and durable equipment which can match varied types of applications. Model WL differs from Model WS mainly in standard capacity but delivers the same performance. The Edge Dock Leveler, on the other hand, is structurally different from the first two. Its ergonomic design makes it easy to operate and requires less lifting force. American Roll-Up Door Co offers Serco mechanical dock levelers not only in Tampa but also in neighboring areas as Jacksonville and Orlando. 


If you need assistance in choosing which model of mechanical dock leveler would suit your business, you may visit the website at or talk to a local customer representative near your area at these numbers: JACKSONVILLE - (904) 6950950, ORLANDO - (407) 8572427, TAMPA - (813) 6437000. If you need service for your equipment after-sales or you need repairs/upgrades on your existing equipment, fill out a service request form at A team of factory-trained service technicians is available 24/7 to lend you their expertise in keeping a safe and efficient working loading dock system.  

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American Roll-Up Door Co. a Division of DuraServ Corp.